Cultural Partners
The success of the Kulturpass is based on the good partnership between Cultur’all a.s.b.l., social and institutional actors (associations, State and municipalities) and cultural operators (museums, theaters, performance halls and cultural centers).
Cultur’all a.s.b.l. ensures the link between its partners.
We provide support to the institutions in their missions to raise awareness, inform and promote the Kulturpass among potential beneficiaries. We offer cultural mediation aimed at the exchange and the meeting between the target audience of the Kulturpass and cultural and artistic circles.
All information relating to the operation of the Kulturpass, both for cultural and social partners, is included in the Roadbook (PDF). .
Any cultural structure (public or private) in Luxembourg wishing to offer Kulturpass beneficiaries access to its programming at the price of € 1.50 can become a cultural partner of the Kulturpass.
Any non-profit social institution working in the fight against social exclusion and its various dimensions, such as lack of professional training, isolation and financial or housing problems, can become a social partner of the Kulturpass.
Every municipality wishing to join us is welcome.
Social, institutional and cultural partners sign an agreement with Cultur’all a.s.b.l. which specifies the commitments made by both sides.
To become a partner, please contact us by clicking here:
Centres Culturels